7 May 2013

Annual Meeting of HIT Rail Shareholders

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Hit Rail B.V. is going to be held in Amsterdam on Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Shareholders representatives shall overview the company activities in the past year...
14 Mar 2013

Upgrade of HIT Rail's IPSec gateway in Brussels

HIT Rail upgraded its IPSec gateway in Brussels On Tuesday 12 March 2013 at 12:30.  We are replacing a Cisco C2800, with a  Cisco ASA5520.  This change provides a much more powerful device but more...
28 Jan 2013

HEROS passed its Gamma tests

HEROS passed its Gamma tests at the end of November 2012 and is now in acceptance with customers.   We have begun a ‘Proof of Concept’ with Prorail to host their Common Interface. The POC will...
22 Jan 2013

HIT Rail represented at 2nd annual RailTel Conference

Mr. M. Haynes is going to represent HIT Rail at the 2nd annual Rail Tel conference  on 19th-21st February 2013 in Vienna.  This event focuses on New rail telecommunications for operators and...
7 Sep 2012

RIPE NCC has Approximately Four Million IPv4 Addresses Before Reaching Last /8.

RIPE NCC has just announced that it now has only 4 million IPv4 addresses left to allocate, or .1% of the total IPv4 space. In addition it is recycling and reissuing returned IPv4 address space...
26 Jul 2012

HŽ Cargo is connected Hermes

HŽ Cargo d.o.o. joined Hermes VPN. Initial method of connection is the IPSec tunnel over the Internet. HŽ Cargo implements new information system for freight operations and they need Hermes link for...
9 May 2012

SBB Cargo International AG connected to Hermes VPN

SBB Cargo International AG is connected to Hermes VPN. Since today (9th May 2012) the temporary IPsec connection to Hermes VPN is up and running (it will be replaced with leased line by BT when ready...
12 Apr 2012

UZ reservations via Hermes productional

The production of passenger seat reservations between UZ and DB over the Hermes VPN started on 12th April 2012 morning. Congratulations to all who participated in this work! We are proud to provide...
6 Apr 2012

Hermes connection of ICF at Pratteln terminated

Due to liquidation of ICF (Intercontainer-Interfrigo), their Hermes VPN connection to Basel-Pratteln was ceased. ICF was one of the oldest European intermodal rail freight operators (founded in 1967...
17 Mar 2012

IP Addresses Migration Completed

The migration from the old Hermes IP addresses (171.30.36.x) has been completed. From now, only the Hermes IP addresses owned by HIT Rail are used. Many thanks and congratulations to all Hermes...