The DRTF platform, is a centralised fare distribution system developed by Hit Rail, offered as a service for the UIC and in use by European railway companies. The service implements the functionalities of OSDM offline and is defined by UIC IRS 90918-10, the common OSDM specification.
OSDM stands for Open Sales and Distribution Model, and is poised to become the next generation means of collaboration on sales and aftersales processes between the different passenger rail stakeholders.
The DRTF platform is provided by Hit Rail in a Software as a Service (SaaS) mode. The technical components of the solution are deployed in Hit Rail's cloud environment, for a high degree of flexibility in response to varying loads and future changes.
The DRTF platform, along with its sister eTCD system, provide a solid technical foundation to provide advanced IT services to the European passenger rail community.
What does DRTF platform offer?
The DRTF platform allows railway companies to distribute and receive files containing international fares and prices for NRT tickets, which are then loaded onto each company's sales systems. Information is exchanged on the platform either manually or automatically, and the platform provided validation and collaboration functionalities.
Does your company wish to use the DRTF platform?
In case your organisation is interested in using the DRTF platform, get in contact with Hit Rail and/or UIC.